Moon over Paris...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do we really have Guardian Angels?

I have often wondered that very thing as the result of things that have happened to me over the course of my life. I have no definitive answer for the masses, but for me, I have to believe that there is something or someone that is watching out for me, protecting me, often times from myself.
While there are many instances I could cite as my reason for believing, the one that happened to me many decades ago is the one that stands out in my mind. When I was in Denmark I met a young woman who turned out to be a contessa. We became involved to the point where when she left Denmark to come to the United States, I just happened to decide I would return to the states.
We had the same flight, and sat next to each other. We parted when we landed. She went to Boston to become a nanny for a Harvard Professor while I continued on to Indianapolis to find a job. In actuality, I found eight jobs over the course of a year, but that's another story. Anyway, we stayed in touch, and I invited her to come to Indiana to visit, and she agreed.
During the week she was here, I discovered she had become enamored with the life of the well heeled Harvard men, and maybe even with the professor she worked for. We ended up having more than one horrendous argument and I almost sent her back early. But I didn't.
When she did leave, I was devastated, to the point it was obvious to all who worked with me. One day shortly after she left, I was working as a teller in a bank, and a man came to my window. He was about a head shorter than I was, a little bald on top, wore glasses, a windbreaker, not one who would stand out in a crowd, or even a small gathering for that matter.
While I was working on his transaction, he asked me, "How was the visit?"
I answered without thinking, "It didn't go very well at all."
"Sorry to hear that."
As I completed his transaction and handed him his receipt, all he said as he made ready to leave was, "But, I think you'll find that what happened was for the best." And he left.
It didn't sink in until later that I had never seen this person, and since that was the case, how did he know about the visit? Not only that, why did he say what he did about 'it was for the best'? How would he know?
I never saw him again, and, what's more, I never saw her again either. Thinking back on it, had the visit gone the way I wanted, I would never have met the woman who would become my wife. Was it all due to fate? Or was there something else at work?

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About Me

I'm writing this blog because I want to. I no longer work outside the home, and find that extremely enjoyable, as I do not have to worry about trying to impress some meaningless person that has little or no bearing on my personal happiness.