Moon over Paris...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More Happy Moments...

Happiness is:
Finding out you're getting a really large refund on your taxes.
Realizing that unless you win the lottery, you won't be paying any tax next year.
Finding out your wife's paintings are beginning to sell once again.
Waking up every day... so far.
Realizing the $60 worth of grass seed spread late last year is actually producing a few blades of grass in an otherwise weed filled yard.
Finishing the restructure of your book, which included rewriting the beginning and end.
Not caring whether or not the stars on DWTS get along with their partners.
Not watching or listening to the news.
Looking outside on a day forecast to have rain, and seeing sunshine.
Realizing you still have plenty of books to read when you finish reading the three you're
currently reading.

Military memories -
I took a troop ship to and from Germany many decades ago. Fortunately, the war had ended long before I ever joined. I read the book "Hawaii" by James Michner on the way across to Germany. There was a bad storm in the North Atlantic during the trip, and I was amazed I did not get seasick. Someone had said that if you kept your stomach full, you wouldn't get seasick. So, I did, and I didn't.
On the way back, I and another GI heard that if you kept on your dress uniform it was presumed you had "special duty", and would not be called upon to do any of the other tasks one normally had to preform while on board ship. So, we did. It was a nice, peaceful cruise back to the states. We went up to the crew's mess (that's where they ate, not something they did) and watched movies, rested while walking the decks, and ate really well.
One thing that has stuck in my mind about the trip back was how totally dark it is at night when there is no moon and is cloudy. You literally can not see your hand in front of your face. Of course, you had to touch your face to ensure your hand was, in actuality, in front of it.
Military training -
While I was at Fort Deven's in Massachusetts taking a typing class, the instructor gave us a break. All but one man rose from their seats and began to leave the room. However, there was one young recruit who remained at his station, hands poised over his typewriter ready to strike the keys, but never moving... He was sound asleep. Being the nice instructor that he was, he allowed the recruit to continue sleeping until we all returned. The recruit was still there, sitting upright in his seat, hands still poised to strike the keys, still sound asleep... until the instructor slammed his hand down on the table next to him.

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About Me

I'm writing this blog because I want to. I no longer work outside the home, and find that extremely enjoyable, as I do not have to worry about trying to impress some meaningless person that has little or no bearing on my personal happiness.